Health, Safety & Environment

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) are at the heart of everything we do, driven by our management and integrated in our operation. Our HSE approach is built on experience, operation audits, annual risk reviews, industry practice and sharing of experiences.

Our company is known for its high safety and low incident rate. We actively consult others about working safe and environmentally aware, which is appreciated by our clients. Such a reputation can only be established if the concept of HSE is internationally recognised and integrated in the company from top to bottom. We have a well-implemented HSE management system, and an annual HSE plan is part of the yearly management system. HSE meetings regularly take place at company level where we discuss the plans and progress.

Doedijns employees have to comply to a strict safety policy. Training and coaching on HSE are important tools to manage risks in the workplace and have our highest priority. Each employee is trained on safety and can access safety manuals and requirements. Since legislation and regulations differ per country, this is organised locally.

Doedijns is aware of the environmental impact of its activities. The challenge we undertake is to responsibly manage and reduce this impact:

  • We limit and manage oil spills as much as possible.
  • We recycle waste.
  • We try to raise environmental awareness among clients and suppliers, trying to get them involved in reducing their environmental impact.
  • We try to raise awareness among clients on the importance of re-usage of packing and recycling of materials at the end of a product’s lifetime.

We strive to be compliant to all applicable HSE laws.

Read more about our HSE Policy and the Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) progress report June 2024.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance plays a big part within Doedijns, being part of the Vydraulics Group, therefore we always work according to our ISO 9001 quality program. Our QHSE manager and higher management stimulate and support Quality Assurance and Quality Control activities related to our products and projects. Work is done following the ISO 9001 procedures and all equipment designed and manufactured by Doedijns is built to the highest industry standards. Please see our Quality policy for more information.

All QA and HSE related topics are documented in our QA/HSE Management System manual.